Layered Cake

Slicing User Stories Method 3

Slice by Test Cases

Slicing User Stories by Test Case is useful when it is hard to break down an Epic based on functionality alone. With a large Feature or Epic, it is helpful to look at possible Test Cases as a way to break the Epic down into smaller chunks that can be completed within a single sprint. Analyzing which Acceptance Criteria Scenarios have to be checked to get the Epic to its Definition of done will provide a good framework for identifying manageable user stories.
Take an e-Commerce websites Order Entry Feature:
As a customer I want to Order the Items in my shopping cart
If we consider this functionality based on potential scenarios, we can break down the item into:
Test Case 1: If a customer is signed in Shipping Information from the profile is automatically added to their order
Test Case 2: If a customer is signed in Billing Information from the profile is automatically added to their order once the credit card verification number is confirmed
Test Case 3: If a customer is not registered or signed in they must manually enter their shipping information
Test Case 4: If a customer is not registered or signed in they must manually enter their billing information
Test Case 5: If a product in the customers shopping cart is out of stock it should be automatically added to their wish list
Test Case 6: Orders can be entered using a touchscreen monitor
Using this method for Slicing User Stories can actually help you apply the other methods implicitly. For example, by analyzing potential test cases, you will expose a number of business rules (#1, #2, #3, #4 and #4), (un)happy flows (#3, #4 and #5) and even input options (#6). Occasionally, Test Cases will be very complex due to the work involved in setting up and completing the tests. Once we have created a list of possible test cases we can prioritize based on frequency of use of the feature being tested.  If a Test Case is not high on the priority list (not very common) or does not present a high enough risk, a Product Owner could decide to shelve the feature for the time being and focus on Test Cases that deliver more value. In the case of a very complex Test Case, we may decide to simplify (or Slice) the Test Case to prioritize and complete the most urgent feature elements. In any case the most relevant Test Cases can be easily translated into User Stories and added to the Sprint Backlog or Product Backlog.
Previous Method 2 – Slice by Workflow Steps *******Next Method 4 – Slice by Business Rules

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